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Regional online Job Fair

From 13 to 20 October, Regional Job Fair was held online by MojPosao. The fair offered vacancies represented by over 150 exhibitors from Croatia and the region with over 1000 job ads!

MojPosao traditionally organizes the fair in cooperation with partners from the region: Jobs Infostud – Serbia, – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vrabotuvanje – Macedonia and Deloglasnik – Slovenia.

The fair lasted eight days and was available 24 hours a day via all desktop and mobile devices with an Internet connection. Unlike the physical fair, which lasted one day and required a physical presence, online visitors could attend from any corner of the globe!

In addition to the employers’ stands’ job offer, visitors could find information about the company, employee experiences, a photo gallery of the future work environment and opportunities.

Some stand-out exhibitors were: OTP bank, IKEA, Austrian Business Agency, Strabag, Maurer Electronics Split, Transcom, SPAR, dSPACE, JYSK, Konzum, Zubak Group, Prima furniture, TEDi business, Scalable Global Solutions, etc. More than 150 expositors with more than 1000 job vacancies.


We presented our most attractive job vacancies in the field of IT.

We had over 5000 visitors from the whole region, including Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Slovenia.

Accordingly, we have numerous job applicants.

It’s always a pleasure to be part of this great event.


Investing in the CEE region

The ongoing pandemic caused by the Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19 coronavirus) made a sizeable impact in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) market in 2020, but the total value of closed deals rose.

In 2020, the total volume of closed deals fell by nearly 16%. However, the total value of those signed contracts exceeded €50 billion, which is an 11% increase from last year. This is an important indicator that shows that European investors are more careful about signing new deals but are not frightened to step in and back up a promising start-up/company.

CEE surpassed all other major developing market areas by this metric, indicating the trust that large investors have developed. Despite the global crisis, the region continues to draw a significant and consistent flow of inward investment worldwide, notably from Western Europe and North America; €23.9 billion was invested from outside the region in 2020.

The prospect of larger profits attracts international firms than in most developed markets and a higher level of political, economic, and legal security than in many emerging economies.

Except for Russia, the area’s economies are diverse, but possibilities abound, from Poland’s financial services industry to leisure in the Adriatic region to infrastructure projects in Bulgaria.

Over the last two decades, the region’s IT industry has been particularly robust, delivering everything from high-value business process outsourcing (BPO) services to cutting-edge app developers.

The manufacturing industry, which was largely rebuilt in the post-communist era, now comprises a world-leading automotive sector and a variety of high-tech firms that compete worldwide and may profit from post-Covid-19 nearshoring.

sgsThe newest round of EU financing, which includes recovery funds, is anticipated to spur investment in emerging sectors such as renewables, electric cars, power storage, and hydrogen technologies.

After attracting more daring Western European corporates, then multinationals, CEE is currently experiencing a boom in private equity and venture capital investments. Significant international financial investors are making their presence known in industries ranging from banking to telecommunications. At the same time, there is a rising crop of regional and local PE and VC, some of which is backed by EU money.

The region and the globe went into 2021, hoping for a more stable outlook and a year of recovery. The projected decline in Covid-19 when vaccines are implemented, Joe Biden’s inauguration as US president, and the UK’s withdrawal from the EU should reduce uncertainty and boost investor confidence.

However, the chances of fresh viral outbreaks, geopolitical tensions, and unanticipated economic shocks are always present. Within CEE, onerous bureaucracy delayed EU enlargement, and political gridlock continued to loom large.

Nonetheless, having survived 2020 so well, and with its competitive advantages coming to the fore, CEE is well-positioned to be one of the world’s M&A hubs.

Scalable Global Solutions is doing its part in attracting investors to Croatia, as we have so far gathered a quarter of a million Euros in 2021. We have plans to become the world’s leading Department as a Solution provider, whereby offering an affordable but skilled workforce, we make an impact in today’s turbulent economic world.

Sources: Mazars




What Does the Modern Buyer Want

Buyers appear during the sales process. The days of IT sales teams managing the sales funnel’s entrance points are over. The days of sales teams pushing potential clients through their own process regardless of what the consumer wants are over. The customer is in command now, and they do not want the old technique of gatekeeping and jumping through hoops in tech sales.


What is the contemporary buyer looking for?

“On Amazon, customers complete 28 per cent of transactions in three minutes or less… and half of all purchases are completed in less than 15 minutes.” This figure was taken directly from Jeff Bezos’ 2020 Letter to Shareholders. If you do not believe this purchasing habit will affect your B2B sales cycle, think again. For many years, B2B and B2C purchasing patterns were thought to be distinct. B2C occurred rapidly and was based on convenience, emotion, and want. B2B was built on logic and reason, with a lengthy and closely managed sales cycle. But that is no longer the case, and we are not going back to the old ways. Consumers of all types have become accustomed to the seamless simplicity of purchasing experiences such as Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb. They came to expect all B2C purchasing experiences to be as smooth as those of the digital titans, and then they began to demand the same B2B purchasing experiences as well.


Buyers have been informed

B2B customers used to rely on sales and marketing teams for product information, technical details, and demonstrations of how the product really functioned. You might postpone demos until a prospect has completed a discovery call, or you could schedule a meeting with their manager or decision-maker. The internet, on the other hand, has broken through these walls. Prospects may now conduct thorough research on your product and rivals without ever speaking with a salesperson. According to CEB, 57 per cent of the buying decision is finalized before the consumer ever contacts the provider. Prospects may even discover product tours and demos on YouTube before you show them anything. They’re conducting their research and making purchases without ever engaging your sales personnel -they just don’t want to wait and jump through those hoops to acquire information anymore.

And they’re receiving more information and completing purchases online -67 per cent of the buyer’s journey is now completed digitally. Buyers are no longer interested in going through several meetings with your BDRs and AEs simply to see a product tour. This is especially true if the product demo does not demonstrate what they want and is deemed a “typical” demo.


Buyers are self-sufficient

That final argument also applies here: customers are now accustomed to being in control of the B2C purchasing process. They are used to browsing on their own time, conducting their own research, and making their own purchasing decisions. This demand for independence is also permeating the B2Bsales process. With the emergence of product-led growth, where prospects can test out your software on their own with only a few clicks, buyers are increasingly demanding greater control over their customer experience. People like to sample items before purchasing them. That is the direction the economy has been trending in recent years, and it shows no indications of abating. This is especially true in the IT industry, where new free trial alternatives for software goods are arriving daily. If you do not provide potential consumers with the opportunity to at least look at your goods and perhaps try it for themselves, they’ll start to question if you’re hiding anything. When you consider that your rivals may be providing access, you may find yourself falling behind before you even begin. Buyers are inundated with alternatives. While all these developments make the B2B tech sector sound like a buyer’s paradise, there are some drawbacks to being a contemporary buyer. The enormous quantity of options and information accessible to customers nowadays is one of the most difficult. Modern customers are often overwhelmed by a flood of freely accessible information and many software solution alternatives. Furthermore, there are more people than ever before driving purchasing choices these days. According to Harvard Business Review, the average number of persons involved in a single B2B purchase has risen to 6.8 in recent years. Software purchasing alternatives are very complicated, and consumers struggle to grasp what they truly want and desire. The solution, however, is not gatekeeping or forcing customers to speak with a salesperson to obtain assistance sorting through alternatives. That is also something that today’s independent buyers do not desire.


How Product-Led Growth Can Aid Growth

Tech sales must adjust to the realities of the new purchasing process. Instead of attempting to reintroduce consumers to traditional sales tactics, consider a product-led sales and growth strategy. Product-led growth entails streamlining the sales process so that your customers can:
  • obtain the information they want without being overwhelmed
  • grasp exactly what your product performs in a short period of time.
  • They should try the goods on their own, without the assistance of your sales personnel.

A well-thought-out product-led growth strategy may provide your customers with the freedom and seamless user experience they have grown to expect. Instead of waiting for your PreSales staff to give them a demo that may or may not fit with their use cases, they can go hands-on with the product themselves. However, there is still a strong emphasis on sales and pre-sales jobs in the product-led growth environment. Many prospects will still want to speak with a salesperson at some time to answer questions, negotiate price, and plan implementation. And your PreSales team will be crucial in ensuring that the demonstrations and freemium choices on your website provide your buyers with a clear and compelling use case.


The New Normal

The buying process for B2B tech sales in 2021 has altered, and there is no turning back. The IT sales and pre-sales teams must adjust to the new normal. Understand changing consumer behaviour and evaluate whether your sales team is making the purchase process seamless or replete with archaic hurdles.



Why Covid-19 has built the ground to invest in SGS

In these delicate times, the entire world is questioned – what is steady and what is labile? Despite many unknown facts about the future, there is a variety of possibilities that opened their door in the last year, hence the positive options became goals that can be achieved with deliberated and mindful steps. It is realizable not only to retain the existing success but to increase the accomplishments, for instance by investing. However, to gain a profit, it is important to wisely choose where to invest in. One particular type of company stood out in 2020 as it the worth the attention and continued to justify its success in 2021.

It is SaaS! While, on the one side, many confronted the problems with continuing the work in the COVID-19 period, on the other side SaaS companies had not even been scratched by that matter. Moreover, being already educated and equipped for working online, SaaS companies were able to keep their tasks ongoing with equal force and quality. Therefore, when many were advised to stay at home in March 2020, their revenues dropped rapidly down, while ICT industries managed to survive. What distinguishes the SaaS model from others is the fact that SaaS does not require physical grounds to distribute the information, it uses online-based processes which are not only more sustainable, but allow instant deployment of the data. The enduring side of SaaS, along with its numerous other advantages such as speed combined with quality, worldwide availability and never-ending limits make it the ultimate goal for every successful entrepreneur.

That is the reason why Cloud spending rose 37% to $29 billion during the first quarter of 2020Many analysts define SaaS stocks as the best cloud stocks, as a matter of fact, SaaS companies currently make up to 25% of the enterprise software market. This next-generation model reduces the costs of operations and simplifies the software management while keeping the data safe and securing the backup with recovery options. Being on the track to digitalized future, there is no regress, which opens the space for making the best out of the upcoming opportunities. Taken that into the consideration it mentioned more often in the past months that VCs should look toward RPA technology. Considering the above-mentioned facts, it is expected that the SaaS model attracts an increasing number of investors. The new race on the market has begun!

As a SaaS company, we are proudly attesting the various desirable sides of this model. Not even being a startup company prevented us from setting up the firm grounds for success and aiming to further growth. In the past year, we united a team of experts and developed a foundation that, ever since, has been allowing us to use inventive approaches and ideas for achieving our goals. We expanded our team and evolved our processes, using the unique perspective and reaching the next stage of success.

Now we are looking for new partners and adventurers, who are ready to embrace the ambitious atmosphere and take a step with us into the better tomorrow. Will you grab the chance? To take the best of our splendid possibilities, visit our one-pager.



COVID-19 impact on mental health and work productivity

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver, said Mahatma Gandhi. We have all witnessed a pandemic, a global panic, and a fear of the unknown for the past few months. The fact that WHO issued many materials on people’s mental health during this time shows just how big an impact COVID-19 has on our lives.

The impact of this disease is not visible only in human emotions and reactions, but also in the global economy. Estimations from the beginning of the year said that global economic growth would go down from around 3.0 percent to 2.4 percent. In those surroundings, people are easily losing motivation for work, especially knowing that “The COVID-19 recession has seen the fastest, steepest downgrades in consensus growth projections among all global recessions since 1990”. There are two things for sure; the first one is that we can’t change what happened, and the second one is that we must keep going to reach the best outcome, not to grieve over what is lost. Some businesses, unfortunately, could not survive in such conditions. 

It is predicted that as a result of the corona and during its time, 7.5 billion small businesses will be shut. Yet, there are many firms that managed to keep working and gained a profit and whose job type is not connected to the medical industry.

 We are one of those rare companies that succeeded in our goals despite the COVID-19. A few of our main advantages are modern work equipment, well-educated workers, and the ability to work from home (see more at Therefore, our employees have been undisturbedly going with their tasks with just minor changes, more desirable than tolerable. Considering those pros, we can proudly say that our work productivity is almost the same as in “normal” times. We keep fusing BPO Z, RPO, and CLOUD SERVICES into one solution and helping our clients aim their target. With our impressive productivity, we have an advantage among competitors in our work field, and our clients can, with fewer expenses, get full service, and the best solution.

In this specific period, we offer even more, and you can be THE one to grab a unique chance! If you would like to become a part of our successful team and grab a gold ticket with just a few steps, then this is an opportunity for you: Profit while resting, don’t be afraid of investing! 

How will the post-COVID workplace look like?


  • Global – it was not a single-continent-isolated event, like the case of Ebola virus, that affected primarily the African continent.
  • Enduring – unlike other natural disasters, like a tornado or a tsunami, this virus has shown persistence across the whole year, and soon it will be almost a whole year with it in our lives.
  • Life-changing – it changed how we greet people, we had to stop partying, the school system had to completely go online and other segments, in which the coronavirus caused earth-shattering disruptions.
  • Omnipresent – whenever you turn on the radio or the TV, there will be at least one or two articles about the recent news with the coronavirus.


For the corporate people, some things will probably return to the way they were before, but some things, how we think and do stuff at work, will change forever.

Here are some of those most likely permanent changes that might happen:

  • Workplace flexibility – when the pandemic struck, workers were quick on their feet and figured out how to work from home, hence, the #wfh hashtag was born and exploded. People have proven to be even more productive when working from home, than while working in the office, as it gives them more time to do house chores, no time on the commute, and other benefits. A recent survey conducted by Gallup stated that 54% of U.S. workers would leave their current job for a one where they can work remotely. The increased flexibility between #wfh and from the office is something that will stand a company apart from its peers. An article from Harvard Business Review stated that a hybrid model called “3-2-2” might gain popularity in the coming months as it means that workers will work 3 days in the office, 2 from home and they have 2 days free.
  • Office spaces – temperature checks and social distancing will probably stick for a while, but once that is remedied with vaccination, the office might become more about interaction and community, rather than the usual “heads-down” focus mode, according to Tim Cook from Apple.
  • Work-ready homes – people were forced to work from home. Most homes don’t have a dedicated workplace at their homes and according to a study by GetApp , said they lacked the proper technology to properly do their remote work. The other is the Internet – being in a Teams or Zoom video call is heavy on the bandwidth and the ISP will have to improve the Internet drastically quickly and quickly.E-learning will shine – tied to the last point, since everyone is mostly working from home, students and pupils are forced to do their school chores online, and e-learning is in full swing. Teachers and professors are doing their best to transfer the knowledge online, but they are also struggling with new technology. E-learning for companies is gaining more popularity and is pushing out the traditional video-learning at the office.




We are in a perfect position to reshape the current workplace culture, in order to get what we need the most, and that is quality spent time.

Sources in Info Boxes.